Friday, 22 February 2013


at Friday, February 22, 2013 0 comments

BUY NOW. While stock last.
Selling CHEAPER than Retail Price. 
FREE DELIVERY for purchase above RM50.

Renew-Plus Body Serum 200ml (Price: RM150)
Retail Price: RM205 (200ml)
Foot Beauty Treatment Cream 8ml (Price: RM5)
Retail Price: RM101 (125ml)
HydraQuench Cream-Mask 5ml (Price: RM10)
Retail Price: RM142 (75ml)
Pore Minimizing Serum 15ml (Price: RM50)
Retail Price: RM147 (30ml)
Gentle Foaming Cleanser With Tamarind 20ml (Price: RM10)
Retail Price: RM97 (125ml)


Apakah sebabnya bayi menangis?

at Friday, February 22, 2013 0 comments
Semua bayi menangis pada masa-masanya. Mereka perlu menangis. 
Bayi baru lahir yang sihat pun akan menangis juga sebanyak satu 
hingga tiga jam sehari. Disebabkan mereka tak dapat membuat 
sebarang apapun untuk diri sendiri, bayi bergantung kepada orang 
lain untuk memberi mereka makanan, kepanasan dan keselesaan 
yang mereka perlukan. Tangisan adalah cara bayi memberitahu 
salah satu daripada keperluan itu. 
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Quote of the day

at Friday, February 22, 2013 0 comments
Life is a flame that is always burning itself out, but 
it catches fire again, every time a child is born.

-George Bernard Shaw-

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Mom's Milk is the BEST, CLICK HERE.

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Susu Ibu Makanan Terbaik

at Saturday, February 16, 2013 0 comments
Susu Ibu Adalah Makanan Terbaik untuk Bayi

Memberi susu ibu adalah langkah pertama yang sangat 
penting untuk memastikan kesihatan bayi anda. Susu ibu 
bukan sahaja mengandungi segala nutrien, tetapi juga 
menepati jumlah yang diperlukan oleh si manja. Nutrien 
daripada susu ibu mudah dihadamkan dan diserap oleh 
badan bayi. Susu ibu juga mengandungi sebatian imunologi 
yang penting untuk membantu melindungi bayi daripada 
pelbagai jangkitan, termasuk cirit-birit.

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Penyusuan yang lebih berkhasiat untuk ibu & bayi

Friday, 15 February 2013

Quote of the day

at Friday, February 15, 2013 0 comments
Having a baby is like falling in love again, both with 
your husband and your child.

-Tina Brown-

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The best way to Stay Slim & Trim, CLICK HERE.


at Friday, February 15, 2013 0 comments
Enjoying your long CNY holidays ?
Check out our NEW ARRIVALS & New Year PROMOTION !!

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7 signs that your baby loves you

at Friday, February 15, 2013 0 comments

She stares into your eyes: Newborns love to look at faces, and 
yours is her favorite. That soulful gaze is a hardwired survival instinct 
designed to attract love and attention from a caregiver. But it's also 
the beginning of her love for you – she's realizing just how important 
you are in her life.

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Saranan (WHO)

at Saturday, February 09, 2013 0 comments
Saranan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO)

Semua bayi hendaklah diberi susu ibu sepenuhnya selama
enam bulan pertama hayat mereka bagi menjamin
pertumbuhan, perkembangan dan kesihatan optimum.
Selepas 6 bulan, bayi perlu diberi makanan pelengkap
yang sesuai dengan secukupnya, manakala pemberian
susu ibu perlulah diteruskan sehingga bayi mencapai usia
dua tahun atau lebih.

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Untuk Penyusuan yang lebih berkhasiat

Friday, 8 February 2013

Berpantang selepas bersalin

at Friday, February 08, 2013 0 comments
Pahit dan manisnya pengalaman berpantang bagi wanita yang baru 
bersalin. Walaupun tempoh pantang selama 44 hari adalah suatu 
masa yang amat menguji kesabaran, boleh dikatakan sebilangan 
besar wanita Melayu masih tekun dan rela mengikut tradisi ini. 
Dikatakan wanita yang rajin berpantang akan mendapatkan kembali 
potongan badan yang asal, menjadi sihat dan cergas seperti sedia 
kala, kelihatan jelita dan mampu mengekal minat suami. 
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Quote of the day

at Friday, February 08, 2013 0 comments
Before you were conceived, I wanted you.
Before you were born, I loved you.
Before you were here, an hour I would die for you.
This is the miracle of mother's Love.

-Maureen Hawkin-

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Saturday, 2 February 2013

Pertumbuhan Optimum

at Saturday, February 02, 2013 0 comments
Makanan untuk Pertumbuhan Optimum

Kanak-kanak yang berlainan usia memerlukan jumlah tenaga
dan nutrien yang berbeza untuk menyokong pertumbuhan
fizikal dan perkembangan mental mereka. Nutrien berlainan
mempunyai fungsi yang berbeza untuk menyokong pertumbuhan.
Tiada satu pun makanan yang dengan sendirinya dapat
membekalkan segala nutrien yang diperlukan anak-anak anda.
Oleh itu, anda perlu sajikan pelbagai jenis makanan dalam
jumlah yang sederhana, dengan menggabungkan dan
mengimbangkan makanan daripada 5 kumpulan makanan
yang berikut setiap hari.
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Friday, 1 February 2013

Prep your body for a baby

at Friday, February 01, 2013
If you haven't stopped drinking or smoking, now is the time to do so.
You want your body to be in the best possible shape for baby making.
And if you are taking any prescription or over the counter medications,
check in with your healthcare provider to find out whether you should
stop taking them. Don't forget to take a daily prenatal or multivitamin
that contains at least 400 micrograms of folic acid to reduce your 
baby's risk of birth defects.

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For a Healthy Start, CLICK HERE.

Quote of the day

at Friday, February 01, 2013
Before you were born, I carried you under my heart.
From the moment you arrived in this world until the
moment I leave it, I will always carry you in my heart.

-Mandy Harrison-

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For a Healthy Start, CLICK HERE.

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